Join us in creating a brighter future for children.


We help improve access to quality education for all children.

Save the Children supports the realization of children’s right to quality education because we know how education changes a child’s life.


Start early

Learning begins before birth! Now more than ever, the early years are being recognized as the foundation of human development and life-long learning.

All children should have access to appropriate support right from birth. Save the Children works with relevant service providers to support female and male caregivers and ensure that young children’s needs for good health, optimal nutrition, security and safety, opportunities for early learning, and responsive caregiving are provided from age 0.

Save the Children creates breakthroughs in developing mother tongue books which are developmentally appropriate and culturally sensitive. A Book Development Review Committee (BDRC) for mother tongue languages in Mindanao was established, ensuring an inclusive process comprised of tribal chieftains, community leaders, teachers, parents, and elders. These books cover topics on indigenous games, culture and traditions.

Children who need the biggest learning boost are not in school

Save the Children works with local government and organizations to establish early learning spaces for young children in the most deprived and marginalized areas in the country. KapitBahay-Aralan (KBA) is an alternative neighborhood-based early learning program for children aged 3-5 years old. It focuses on the development of early literacy, numeracy, self-care, health practices, and socialization. Through KBA, we improve access to quality learning opportunities for children from very poor households in urban settlements or those in far-flung areas.

Save the Children’s alternative delivery mode of education supports out-of-school children aged 6-12 years old in urban and rural contexts, paving the way for learning opportunities and social protection. By employing the whole-of-society approach, the government, community members, civil society organizations, and public and private sector are mobilized to address children’s needs in learning and wellbeing.

Strengthening the families in which children are raised

Through our parenting program, parents and child carers are empowered to fulfill their roles and responsibilities as champions of children’s rights, and to create a nurturing environment towards the attainment of children’s holistic development and potential. We capacitate them to call for policies and programs, and use services that respond to the various interests and needs of children in every stage of development.


Supporting early childhood and school teachers

Save the Children also focuses on the professional development of early childhood educators and school teachers. Child development workers and school teachers are capacitated on child rights-based, developmentally-appropriate teaching methodologies and effective instruction so that they will deliver active learning sessions with children.

Removing barriers to education

Save the Children actively works to ensure that every child, irrespective of gender, age, language, ability, religion, nationality or other characteristics, is supported to meaningfully participate and learn alongside his/her peers, and develop to his/her full potential. Inclusion is a key principle across our education programs, ensuring that children are provided with the necessary support to attend school and continue learning.

Uninterrupted learning

Emergencies can seriously disrupt a child's education.

In emergency situations, Save the Children provides safe and protective learning environments for children to learn and play.

We support the delivery of services such as psychosocial support to ensure uninterrupted learning at all times. We also provide teaching and learning materials such as back-to-school kits, hygiene kits, books, and toys to support children even in times of crisis.

Ensuring ALL children are healthy and well-nourished

Save the Children works to ensure that all children have access to quality health services, safe water and sanitation, and health and nutrition education.

Our health and nutrition programs for school-aged children ensures that basic health services are provided, and that they are able to practice hygiene with safe water and child-friendly sanitation and hygiene facilities. We continuously develop teaching and learning materials with age-appropriate and accurate health and nutrition information, and train teachers on utilizing them.

We work with both the public and private health sector and with caregivers to ensure that children have sustained access to health facilities and are provided with appropriate care beyond the learning environment setting.

Learning anytime, anywhere

Save the Children aims to break inter-generational poverty by providing children with quality learning opportunities.

We make sure that children enjoy learning as early as possible.

We also support children who struggle to learn inside and outside schools and daycare centers.

Program Stories

Save the Children's Statement on the Alarming Rate of Student Suicide Cases and Attempts in 2022

Save the Children's Statement on the Alarming Rate of Student Suicide Cases and Attempts in 2022

Save the Children's Statement on Safe Back to School for SY 2022-2023

Save the Children's Statement on Safe Back to School for SY 2022-2023

Australia visits Legazpi, Leyte Schools

Australia visits Legazpi, Leyte Schools

Save the Children conducts Visioning and Planning Workshop in BARMM for upcoming Life Changer Project

Save the Children conducts Visioning and Planning Workshop in BARMM for upcoming Life Changer Project

Training of Trainer on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Module for Bangsamoro Learners

Training of Trainer on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Module for Bangsamoro Learners

Save the Children Statement on the Enactment of RA 11650: Inclusive Education

Save the Children Statement on the Enactment of RA 11650: Inclusive Education

2021 Harvest of Excellence

2021 Harvest of Excellence

Save the Children lauds approval of Inclusive Education Bill; appeals to the President for Bill’s passage

Save the Children lauds approval of Inclusive Education Bill; appeals to the President for Bill’s passage

About Save the Children Philippines

Save the Children - the world's leading independent children's organization - has been working in the Philippines for over four decades and is dedicated to helping children.

DSWD Authority/Solicitation Permit No.: DSWD-SB-SP-00002-2023
Coverage: Regions I, II, III, IV-A, IV-MIMAROPA, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, CARAGA, CAR, and NCR
Period: January 16, 2023 to January 17, 2024

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